
老師,請我們寫一支小程式。 在一個list裡的數字,找出最大數字。

# 🚨 Don't change the code below 👇
student_scores = input("Input a list of student scores ").split()
for n in range(0, len(student_scores)):
  student_scores[n] = int(student_scores[n])
# 🚨 Don't change the code above 👆


Coding - Teacher Angela

student_scores = input("Input a list of student scores ").split()
for n in range(0, len(student_scores)):
  student_scores[n] = int(student_scores[n])

highest_score = 0
for score in student_scores:
  if score > highest_score:
    highest_score = score
print(f"The highest score in the class is: {highest_score}")

Coding 1 - Student Laurence

student_scores = input("Input a list of student scores ").split()
for n in range(0, len(student_scores)):
  student_scores[n] = int(student_scores[n])
a = 0
for i in student_scores:
    if (i > a):
        a = i
print(f"The highest score in the class is: {a}")

我在這一個練習題,卡住了一些時間。 我知道,要做什麼,但我卻不知道,該怎麼下手(coding)。


  1. 想像,你的左手,代表一個數字。
  2. 想像,你的右手,代表一個數字。
  3. 兩隻手作比較,數字大的那隻手,舉手。
  4. 再換個數字,繼續做比較。

我的邏輯思考,還有待加強。 How to think like a programmer?

Coding 2 - Student Laurence